Type recipe for molecule simulation

using Makie
 import AbstractPlotting: Plot, default_theme, plot!, to_value

 struct Simulation
 # Probably worth having a macro for this!
 function default_theme(scene::SceneLike, ::Type{<: Plot(Simulation)})
         advance = 0,
         molecule_sizes = [0.08, 0.04, 0.04],
         molecule_colors = [:maroon, :deepskyblue2, :deepskyblue2]

 # The recipe! - will get called for plot(!)(x::SimulationResult)
 function AbstractPlotting.plot!(p::Plot(Simulation))
     sim = to_value(p[1]) # first argument is the SimulationResult
     # when advance changes, get new positions from the simulation
     mpos = lift(p[:advance]) do i
         sim.grid .+ rand(Point3f0, length(sim.grid)) .* 0.01f0
     # size shouldn't change, so we might as well get the value instead of signal
     pos = to_value(mpos)
     N = length(pos)
     sizes = lift(p[:molecule_sizes]) do s
         repeat(s, outer = N ÷ 3)
     sizes = lift(p[:molecule_sizes]) do s
         repeat(s, outer = N ÷ 3)
     colors = lift(p[:molecule_colors]) do c
         repeat(c, outer = N ÷ 3)
     scene = meshscatter!(p, mpos, markersize = sizes, color = colors)
     indices = Int[]
     for i in 1:3:N
         push!(indices, i, i + 1, i, i + 2)
     meshplot = p.plots[end] # meshplot is the last plot we added to p
     # meshplot[1] -> the positions (first argument) converted to points, so
     # we don't do the conversion 2 times for linesegments!
     linesegments!(p, lift(x-> view(x, indices), meshplot[1]))

 # To write out a video of the whole simulation
 n = 5
 r = range(-1, stop = 1, length = n)
 grid = Point3f0.(r, reshape(r, (1, n, 1)), reshape(r, (1, 1, n)))
 molecules = map(1:(n^3) * 3) do i
     i3 = ((i - 1) ÷ 3) + 1
     xy = 0.1; z = 0.08
     i % 3 == 1 && return grid[i3]
     i % 3 == 2 && return grid[i3] + Point3f0(xy, xy, z)
     i % 3 == 0 && return grid[i3] + Point3f0(-xy, xy, z)
 result = Simulation(molecules)
 scene = plot(result)
 N = 100
 record(scene, "output.mp4", 1:N) do i
     scene[end][:advance] = i