using GLVisualize, Reactive, GeometryTypes
using GLWindow, GLAbstraction
window = glscreen()
functions to halve some rectangle
xhalf(r) = SimpleRectangle(r.x, r.y, r.w÷2, r.h)
xhalf2(r) = SimpleRectangle(r.w÷2, r.y, r.w÷2, r.h)
# create first screen with window as the parent screen
# and a different area.
screen2D = Screen(
window, name=:screen2D,
area=const_lift(xhalf2, window.area)
# create second screen with window as the parent screen
# and a different area.
screen3D = Screen(
window, name=:screen3D,
area=const_lift(xhalf, window.area)
# create something to look at!
bars = visualize(rand(Float32, 10,10))
points = visualize([rand(Point2f0)*1000 for i=1:50], scale=Vec2f0(40))
# view them in different screens
view(bars, screen3D, camera=:perspective)
view(points, screen2D, camera=:orthographic_pixel)